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/ The Best of Select: Games 13 / The Best of Select: Games 13.iso / kids / dorksdre

Jump To: Text (3)  |  Other (43)

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
dd.doc Text File 31 1KB 1991-09-10
go.bat DOS Batch File 5 21b 1996-12-04
intro1.dat Text File 5 65KB 1991-08-19

Other Files (43)
dd.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 41KB 1991-09-10
bcground.dat Unknown 2KB 1991-08-22
beginmus.dat Unknown 2KB 1991-08-19
demok.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-09-01
font8.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-08-21
high Unknown 65b 1991-09-05
intro1m.dat Unknown 320b 1991-08-18
intro2.dat Unknown 65KB 1991-08-18
intro2m.dat Unknown 8KB 1991-08-18
level01.dat Unknown 191b 1991-08-25
level01b.dat Unknown 39KB 1991-08-25
level01g.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-08-25
level01m.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-08-14
level02.dat Unknown 154b 1991-08-14
level02b.dat Unknown 54KB 1991-08-25
level02g.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-08-25
level02m.dat Unknown 86b 1991-09-06
level03.dat Unknown 196b 1991-08-15
level03b.dat Unknown 9KB 1991-08-22
level03g.dat Unknown 4KB 1991-08-22
level03m.dat Unknown 15KB 1991-08-15
level04.dat Unknown 409b 1991-08-20
level04b.dat Unknown 20KB 1991-08-22
level04g.dat Unknown 6KB 1991-08-24
level04m.dat Unknown 22KB 1991-08-19
level05.dat Unknown 365b 1991-08-21
level05b.dat Unknown 33KB 1991-08-22
level05g.dat Unknown 5KB 1991-08-22
level05m.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-08-20
level06.dat Unknown 273b 1991-09-01
level06b.dat Unknown 27KB 1991-08-30
level06g.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-09-01
level06m.dat Unknown 9KB 1991-08-29
level07.dat Unknown 262b 1991-09-05
level07b.dat Unknown 9KB 1991-09-05
level07g.dat Unknown 4KB 1991-09-05
level07m.dat Unknown 9KB 1991-09-02
level08.dat Unknown 210b 1991-08-25
level08b.dat Unknown 17KB 1991-08-26
level08g.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-08-26
level08m.dat Unknown 7KB 1991-08-23
priblks.dat Unknown 4KB 1991-08-29
title.dat Unknown 7KB 1991-08-22